
Thursday, December 18, 2014

San Antonio!!!!! Ole'

 Hi we are traveling to San Antonio which is located in South Texas!! What a city this is..wonderful people, a complete Mexican flair, delicious food, sightseeing galore, every flavor of Margaritas that your little ol' heart could desire..and not to mention that not only is San Antonio a great tourist destination but also home to universities, a few military bases, unprecidented medical facilities and training locals... shopping, and of course a HUGE part of Texas history. ..and of course for you Longhorn fans out there located about an hour from Austin!!..and let us not forget that SA is home of the Spurs basketball team!! Join us on this visual tour through this marvelous local...from the EL Mercado..Market Square..aka..the Mexican Market, to the Alamo, the world famous Riverwalk..the Quarry..eating some yummy BBQ, sampling some of the adult beverages, celebrating an awesome graduation with family and friends..soaking in what is such 
                                                                                a large part of our lives as San Antonio has been a destination for Texas vacations in my life for as long as I can remember, my oldest friend and college roomate calls it home, along with a few other family members, my mom has lived there in the past,we have experienced great heartache here but also great joy... I have attended training well as my youngest son also..accomplished things that I never thought I would in this city... met amazing people is a place near and dear to me and to several others that I know. Enjoy this feast for the eyes full of color and love..and when in Texas do as the natives do and head down south to San Antonio!! may even be lucky enough to spot a dashhound dressed to the 9s!!..San Antonio style..

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